Founded in 1829 with the mission of creating value for the benefit of society, DTU is an international elite technical university where education, scientific advice, and innovation rest on a solid foundation of world-class research.
The University is at the academic and multidisciplinary forefront of the technical and the natural sciences—with new initiatives in a number of demanding engineering disciplines, including sustainable energy technology and life science. Two departments are involved in the Nordic IoT Hub:
DTU – Compute
Embedded Systems Engineering (ESE) is a section at DTU Compute, the largest computer science department in Denmark, consisting of 12 scientific staff (prof. and assoc. prof.), 5 postdocs and 20 PhDs. ESE focuses on design of modern Industrial IoT systems: real-time systems, fault-tolerant and safety-critical systems, time-critical hardware architectures and deterministic virtualization, Deterministic Ethernet, heterogeneous distributed multi-core architectures and execution platforms; models, methods and tools for the analysis, design and verification of such systems.
DTU – Photonics
DTU Fotonik is working with all aspects of current and future communication technologies. The department comprises 4 research sections: Communication Technologies, Nonlinear Optics & Biophotonics, Light Sources & Industrial Sensors and Nanophotonics, and participates. DTU Fotonik participates in the Nordic IoT hub with one section, Communication Technologies, with focus on IoT technologies and infrastructure.